Thursday, October 27, 2011

SouthWestern Bell FM-20 Caller ID Organizer Telephone w/Speakerphone

SouthWestern Bell FM-20 Caller ID Organizer Telephone w/Speakerphone Review

As we move into the millennium, Southwestern Bell attacks the telecommunications market, offering consumers the latest in innovation, design and technology. Corded telephones are necessary in every household, even if you already own a cordless telephone. If you experience a power failure or a lightning strike, you may be unable to use your cordless telephones. The Bell telephones provide clear conversations and add to the decor of the modern household. This perfect corded FM-20 telephone presents the best of Bell's technology. FM-20 features 64 name-and-number caller ID memory, total call counter, 199 name/number/address data bank, oversized backlit LCD display, pull-out keyboard with 56 control keys, receiver/ringer volume control and more.

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